Students compete in case studies

Some of Canada’s top MBA students will face each other in Concordia University’s annual “Case Competition” Jan. 24-26.

The competition was developed four years ago by the university as an innovative approach to teach changes in the principles of management.

Sixteen universities from across the country are entered in this year’s competition which looks at major problems facing Canadian businesses. Each team analyses case studies with the objective of identifying the problems and recommending solutions.

For example, one of the case problems in this year’s competition is whether or not Montreal-based Imasco Ltd. should buy the fast food restaurant chain Burger Chef System.

Three finalists will then look at a fourth case study.

The first place team will be awarded $2,000 from the Bank of Montreal, with second place worth $1,500 from Alcan Aluminium Ltd. and $1,000 from Pratt and Whitney Canada Inc. for third spot