

The regular case writing competition is now open!

The short case writing competition is now open!

Our Cases

Throughout the week of the competition, we challenge our participants with seven business cases that touch upon various disciplines. Each year, we open our annual Case Writing Competition to reach out to top case writers worldwide, who submit unpublished and untested business cases. In this setting, the participating teams will only have access to each case once their 3-hour preparation time begins. To make the competition even more exciting, two of the seven cases that we feature will have a different format: one “Short Case” and one “Live Case”.

Live Case

The “Live Case” is the highlight of the week-long competition, whereby a live presentation is given by a senior executive of a major company on a current business challenge they have been faced with. The “Live Case” exemplifies the interaction between the academic and corporate worlds that takes place during the intense week of the competition. The company representative(s) present a current real-life business case to the thirty-six teams simultaneously. All thirty-six teams rely on the presentation, brief question period, and supporting materials provided by the company that serve as background information for their evaluation. Once the three-hour preparation time is complete, the competing teams present their arguments, solutions, and implementation plan for the company in front of a panel of judges.

Short Case

The “Short Case” is a think-on-your-feet situation where both preparation and presentation times are shorter than the more traditional cases used in the ICC.

Case Writing Competitions:

For more information please contact:

Julia Galbraith
Organizer, John Molson MBA Case Writing Competition
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., MB 06-313
Montreal, QC, Canada
H3G 1M8


Stay tuned to find out what cases are selected for our 38th edition!
List of Past Cases