International MBA Case Competition

A message from the organizers

Yes. we insisted to last year’s organizers, we know how much work is involved. Certainly, we nodded, we agree to give up our summer, social life and sanity. We really want to organize the 1993 Case Competition.

In retrospect, we never could have realized the work involved, the hours spent and the sleep lost (What?? September already, and only $200 raised??) We also never realized the sense of achievement and personal satisfaction that comes from organizing an event of this magnitude. It has been an unparalleled experience for each one of us. We made new contacts – we met New Zealanders. New Brunswickers and New Englanders. and most importantly, remained steadfast friends throughout.

Thanks to the many volunteers; from our loyal assistants to the super team and judge moderators. To Murat and his 7:45am meetings, to Paul “name tag” Primavesi. and to Vera, who will forever wear 2 watches, a very special THANK YOU!II We got a lot more out of it than a mere six credits … a hint for next years organizers – Walkie Talkies are not toys.

Nancy, Miriam, and Robert

[img_assist|nid=766|title=|desc=1993 Concordia’s International M.B.A. Case Competition organizers Miriam Blumer, Robert Gervais, and Nancy Wells: Thank you for a great job. You have made us all proud of being Concordia M.B.A. students. Congratulations!|link=none|align=center|width=640|height=477]

The Ranks

  1. Otago-New Zealand
  2. Dalhousie
  3. Memorial
  4. Calgary
  5. Concordia
  6. Saint Mary’s
  7. George Washington – US
  8. H.E.C.
  9. Windsor
  10. Western
  11. Manitoba
  12. Saskatchewan
  13. McGill
  14. U.Q.A.M.
  15. Wilfred Laurier
  16. Queen’s
  17. Helsinki-Finland
  18. Sherbrooke
  19. Laval
  20. Boston College – US
  21. Clark – US
  22. Gothenburg-Sweden
  23. Ottawa
  24. Toronto


[img_assist|nid=768|title=|desc=The Concordia Team: Bernard Tourillon, Tracy Best, Randy Mauskopf, and Marc Shwec with coach Henri Colas. They were so close to winning the event yet they were winners in the eyes of all of us.|link=none|align=left|width=310|height=261][img_assist|nid=769|title=|desc=The thrill of winning the competition is well shown here by the Otago team.|link=none|align=right|width=310|height=236]

[img_assist|nid=770|title=|desc=At first, everybody wondered what the defending champions from New Zealand, who entered the competition for the first time last year, would be able to achieve. As it turned out. they were the winners for the second year in a row! Congratulations.|link=none|align=center|width=640|height=446]

[img_assist|nid=771|title=|desc=The second place winners were from Dalhousie University. Their performance in the final was like that of champions. Yet, in competitions, there will always be a first and a second.|link=none|align=center|width=640|height=445]