Sponsorship Levels

Diamond 10K+ Platinum 8.5K+ Gold 6K+ Silver 4K+ Bronze 3K+
Logo on Participants' Welcome Kit
Mass Media Coverage at Opening
Naming of Major Event with Keynote
Access to Talent Search Database New!
Logo on Hotel Key Card
Logo on Communication with all Stakeholders
Logo on Name Tags
Listing on App *New*
Invitation to Final Awards Banquet
Logo on a Final Banquet Table
Literature in the Welcome Kit
Competition Room Naming
Logo on an Opening Brunch Table
Invitation to Opening Brunch
Logo on Welcome Screen
Invitation to Networking Event
Case Comp Social Media Trivial Pursuit
Advertisement in Program Book (700+ Copy Distribution) Full Page Half Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page 1/4 Page
Listing on Website (Logo and Link)
Montreal Welcomes the Competition Map (6’x4′) New! Jumbo Logo & Directory Listing Large Logo & Directory Listing Large Logo & Directory Listing Small Logo & Directory Listing Directory Listing

For more information please contact Caroline Ribeiro at 438 868 1223 or 514 848 2424 ext. 2736 or caroline.ribeiro@mbacasecomp.com.