What to Pack 12/19/2014

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Welcome to Winter Wonderland. Welcome to Montreal. That joie de vivre Montrealers are known for never quite extinguishes itself— from winter-sports, indoors and outdoors (yes, outdoors) activities, to the exciting winter and light festivals. (For more activities check out our previous blog)  The sub-zero temperatures feel colder because of the wind chill factor, but if you dress the part, you’re going to love winter in Montreal.

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Pack clothing that can be layered. The outdoors is cold, but stores, theatres and restaurants may be quite warm… so layer up!
-Long sleeve shirts; Sweaters/ Sweatshirts
-Heavy, winter Jacket and a light jacket/vest
-Shoes/Boots – insulated, comfortable, water-resistant/proof
-Gloves – water-resistant/water-proof
-Hats (also known as tuques), Scarfs & Ear muffs
-Sunscreen and Sunglasses
-Lip-balms and Moisturizers 
-Socks – lots of them 
-A positive attitude 

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