Become a Sponsor
As a non-profit student-run organization, we depend on the support of our sponsors to continue bringing a high quality event.
For information on visibility opportunities, please view our 2014 Sponsorship Package or contact Hanaa Badaoui directly.
James Cherry
President of Aéroports de Montréal
The John Molson MBA International Case Competition offers an excellent opportunity to show your corporate support of the academic community. By doing so, you have a unique opportunity to promote your business, its people, products and services to select groups of individuals from across the globe. By becoming a sponsor, some of the benefits include:
Meet fellow business people in a unique setting and share viewpoints on current business issues. The MBA-ICC provides a forum to express opinions and get feedback on those issues which are most pertinent in today’s competitive business environment.
Giving Back to the Community
Support Montreal’s premier scholastic event and help to raise the profile of our unique and diverse metropolitan center.
Identify top students from MBA schools worldwide
Only the top students are chosen to represent their respective schools. By sponsoring the John Molson MBA-ICC, you meet some of the most talented future business leaders.
Promote your company in a select and focused environment
The John Molson MBA-ICC attracts a very select group of individuals, including corporate executives, leading academics, and top MBA students which allows you to specifically direct your marketing efforts to the appropriate audience.
For details and questions, please contact the Organizing Committee or phone (514) 848-2424 ext 2736